FAQ on Sigilium security

How is Sigilium's platform secured?

The hole platform uses the HTTPS protocol:

  • between the application and the platform
  • When our API is used

Applications are updated regularly.
Our Outlook's application and .msi installers are signed with a physical certificat: Digicert EV

Where is the data hosted?

The data is hosted on a dedicated server, at OVH datacenter in Strasbourg, France. 

What if Sigilium's infrastructure is unavailable?

Sigilium insures a continuous service during all the contractual period.
For example, from January 2016 to September 2017, less than 4 hours of interruption have been monitored.

In case of interruption of our service:

  • If you write new emails, email signature won't be updated during interruption of the service.
  • If you are using picture version of email signatures (not HTML) they won't show during the period of interruption.
  • For Outlook application's users, there will be no interruption: Outlook caches pictures and attach them to each emails.
  • Contact card won't be available during the interruption.

If you have any other question, please contact us by email at : contact@sigilium.com 
or by phone at: +33 1 83 64 02 13

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